Friday, 16 August 2013

An open letter to Anna Hajare Team and AAP Members

Dear Anna,

I hope you are still thinking about betterment for India.
The movement you started 2 years back was nothing less than a historical phenomena in Indian democracy. You compelled Indian youth to come on roads, you ignited a new flame in our hearts, you showed that we can also be revolutionary youth. You just gave us a hope that we can fulfill our dream of doing something for nation by supporting you.
But all of sudden the very accused government ditched you and you surrendered. You just believed them as we did by voting them, and they did the same to you what they did to our nation, they cheated. The very sharp movement became blunt; you disappeared and kept a silence fast. Meanwhile all the flames were extinguished, all hopes of Indian Youth shattered and most worst happened was our belief on you deviated, your team was divided, aim was alienated. Government played their cards and we along with you felt a shocking defeat.
Now once again when you are trying to ignite the same fire with the same fuel it is not even heating, why because the fuel has expired.

Dear Arvind Kejriwal,

Congratulations on your decision of entering into the system and fighting to clean it.
You parted from Anna’s movement, because you understood that if system has to be cleaned you have to make your hands dirty. You can not stand in a corner and clean the muddiness. We appreciate your initial acts of disclosing misdeeds of big corporate houses, but again it was only a breaking news for us, we just watch news channel to see if something big has been revealed by you, we don’t bother to join your party because we have our own commitments, we have job, a family to look after and a small ambition for our future. You may say that we are selfish, yes we are, and you may say that we don’t want to do something for our nation, yes you can say, but truth is that now we don’t believe in Anna’s movement, same as most of us don’t believe in your success.

Now let me clear why we don’t believe in success of both of you in spite of having a pure ambition, a true heart and a determination to do best for nation, because you are fighting with demons and not common people and you are fighting without arms.

You are saying that all political parties are bad, none is honest, that is correct and we agree to your sentiments, but remember even when god had to eliminate the evil soul from earth, he had to acquire human nature, he had to follow the way devils were following, just to kill him, and this is written in all our mythological books (I said all, inclusive of all religion). Same if you want to eliminate one devil then you have to take help of another, first remove one with the help of other and then remove the evil spirit from the one who helped you. Don’t fight alone.

I hope you understood my signal.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

2014, General Election, India and We

We all are  waiting for 2014 general elections, which might be a biggest thing for Indian Political parties but for Indian Public (most of them) it will be like another bigger, fancier, loud and Multi-starrer Bollywood Masala flick which will provide them lots of entertainment.

When I was a kid I used to wait for 15 August and 26 January, not because to celebrate these biggest days of Indian republic but to get a chance either to sing a poetry on mike or at least to get a “motichoor ka Laddoo” after “Jhanda-Vandan” (Flag hoisting ceremony) in School. I never understood the words used by chief guests on that occasion even I couldn’t understand the importance of those days till I grown up to class 5th-6th standard.
The same scenario we can see today for most of our Adults in rural India when it comes to elections, for many of them it is just a chance to get either a free bottle of desi daroo and a blanket or a 500/1000 Rupee note at the time of elections, for some people it is a matter of showing their connections with political parties to their local neighborhood, and this time in 2014, for a bigger chunk of urban India it may be a hot topic to discuss on Social media or to watch News channel’s Exit polls.After elections when poll results are shown on TV, it will be same for them as watching a tennis match between Federer and Rafa where in one set Federer is leading and another set it is Rafa.

A very few responsible citizens will step out for a real change, for making their vote count, for making their voice to be listened, for making India a proud nation again. For all this they have to Vote, they have to go to their constituency and vote for a correct or I should better say a less wrong person.

According to NASSCOM we have around 3 Million professionals working in IT/ITES, and if majority of them are working away from their home, if we take a rough figure say 50% are away from their home (in actual it may be more), so my question is how many of them take leaves for voting and go to their home town and vote for right candidate?
I don’t think more than 1 or 2% of these people would do so. So out of 15 Lac persons only 20-25 thousand would go and vote and rest enjoy the TV chat shows. Here I am talking only for IT/ITES professionals where we have many such other fields.
The point is here not to blame our young friends for not voting but to make them aware that only their vote can bring a true change to this country, many educated, young and mature people are not using their voting power and it is being misused by local goons for fake voting and we get a wrong government just to accuse for high taxing, not developing, looting, scams, bad roads, price hikes, no infrastructure and no salary hikes.

So here I request you to take an oath that in next elections you will perform your duty and try hard to cast your vote, I must say again that only educated people can bring change to this nation, otherwise it will be sold to Congress again with a price of a desi daroo bottle and a Murga.

Please go and vote for good governance this time, and circulate my appeal to all our friends.

If you do not have a voter ID card then please register yourself for the same at the below link, before registering keep ready scanned copy of your class 10th Mark sheet ( or Birth Certificate for age proof), Residence proof and Photo.

Link to register for Voter ID: 

Share information about this link as much as possible, inspire others in your family, neighborhood, friend circle and at workplace for registering for Voter ID.

Image Courtesy: Internet 


Friday, 14 June 2013

हिन्दुस्तान मे गूगल ग्लास

 इस संसार मे भगवान के अलावा एक और चीज़ है जो की सर्वव्यापक है, कण कण मे है, हर एक इंसान के विश्वास मे है, यहाँ तक की नास्तीको के दिलो मे भी उसीका राज है और  वो है “गूगल”.

गूगल सिर्फ़ एक कंपनी का नाम नही है बल्कि यह इस पापी दुनिया मे कुछ लोगो के लिए जीने का एक सहारा है….

इस मायावी संसार मे कई सारे अत्याचार हम निर्दोष प्राणियों पे होते है जिनसे बचाने मे गूगल की जो सहायता हमे मिलती है वो नज़रअंदाज नही की जा सकती है, कभी कभी तो मुझे लगता है की भगवान विष्णु का दसवां अवतार गूगल के रूप मे ही हुआ है|

हम आय टी प्रोफेशनल्स की प्रजाति मे कई लोग ऐसे होंगे जिनके लिए गूगल के बिना दिन गुज़ारना मानो किसी महिला के लिए बिना कोई सीरियल देखे दिन गुजारने के बराबर है|
चलिए गूगल की महिमा को आगे बढ़ाते हुए अब बात करते है गूगल के नये आविष्कार “गूगल ग्लास” की। 
अभी यह नया शिगूफ़ा गूगल ने बाज़ार मे पूरी तरह से उतारा भी नही की इस पर सारी दुनिया मे बहस शुरू हो गयी इसके नुकसान और फायदो के बारे मे… खैर छोड़िये यह तो हमारी दुनिया की फ़ितरत है|

आपको बता देना उचित होगा की गूगल ग्लास एक ऐसा औज़ार है जो की चश्मे के रूप मे एक चलता फिरता, अच्छे से काम करता कंप्यूटर, वीडियो रेकॉर्डर, कॅमरा, दूरबीन और भी ना जाने क्या क्या है …..
कहते है की इसे लगा के देखने से सामने जो नज़र आता है उसकी सारी जानकारी भी तुरंत डिस्‍प्‍ले हो जाती है और आप चाहे जिसका फोटो खींच सकते है उसकी रेकॉर्डिंग कर सकते है बिना सामने वाले को पता पड़े.....वाह भाई कमाल की चीज़ है, पर ज़रा गौर फरमाने की बात यह है की अगर यह चश्मा हिन्दुस्तान मे लॉंच हुआ तो इसके क्या क्या नफे-नुकसान होंगे सोचा है आपने? 
आईए आप और हम मिलके इन बातो पे चर्चा करते है दुनिया वाले तो कर ही रहे है फिर हम क्यों पीछे रहे|

सबसे बड़ा नुकसान तो बेचारे हमारे लैला-मजनुओ को होगा जो यहाँ वहाँ गाना गाते फिरते है “खुल्लम-खुल्ला प्यार करेंगे हम दोनो”, पता नही कब, कहाँ, कौन रेकॉर्डिंग करके घर पहुचा दे, या “गूगल” के ही एक और औजार "यू ट्यूब" पे डाल दे। 

हिन्दुस्तान मे कुछ कुछ जगहो पे बड़े बड़े साइन बोर्ड्स पे छोटे छोटे अल्फाज़ो मे लिखा होता है “ यहा फोटोग्रफी करना सख़्त मना है”. गूगल ग्लास के आने के बाद “सख़्त” थोड़ा नर्म हो जाएगा, और अगर हमारे सेक्यूरिटी वाले संतरी लोगो को इस अनोखे चश्मे के बारे मे जैसे तैसे थोडा बहुत  पता भी होगा तो आपके बॅग्स, पर्स, पॉकेट्स के अलावा आपका चश्मा भी उतरवा लेंगे।  ऐसे मे बेचारे सीधे सादे से दिखने वाले  नज़र के चश्मे पहनने वाले लोगो को कितनी मुसीबतो का सामना करना पड़ेगा सोचिए जरा । 

जैसा की आप  जानते है यह चश्मा सामने वाले की सारी डीटेल्स डिसप्ले कर देता है, सोचिए हमारे रंगीन मिज़ाज प्यारेलाल साहिब अपनी ऑफीस वाली माशुका के साथ कॉफी पी रहे है, और कॉफी शॉप के नज़दीक से   भाभी जी  याने प्यारेलाल साहिब की बीवी गुजर रही हो और अचानक उनके चश्मे की स्क्रीन पे मेसेज आता है “Pyarelal is having coffee with Teena"……आगे का अंजाम तो आप खुद ही सोच सकते है, समझदार है|

सिर्फ़ प्यारेलाल ही नही किसी भी साधारण स्वस्थ पुरुष के साथ यह दुर्घटना घट सकती है, फर्ज़ कीजिए आपके चश्मे की रेकॉर्डिंग ऑन है और आपको पता नही है, आप मज़े से अपने आसपास के रंगीन नज़ारो को घूर घूर के देखे जा रहे है, पूरे स्वाद के साथ, चटखारे लेके, शाम को आपके चश्मे की वही रेकॉर्डिंग आपकी बीवी या माशुका देखती है फिर आपके चटखारो की आपको क्या कीमत चुकानी होगी अंदाज़ा लगाना ज्यादा मुश्किल नही है। 

यह भी हो सकता है की आप अपनी गर्ल फ्रेंड या बीवी के साथ मार्केट मे घूम रहे है और चश्मे की स्क्रीन पे सारे मार्केट की दुकानो पे जो “सेल” या ऑफर चल रहा है उसकी डीटेल्स धड़ा-धड़ आ रही है और  इधर  आपका क्रेडिट कार्ड धड़ा-धड़ स्वाइप हो रहा है..। 

कल्पना कीजिए आप अपनी गाड़ी से कही जा रहे है और अगले चौराहे पे ट्रॅफिक हवलदार आपको रोकता है और बदक़िस्मती से आपके पास गाड़ी का कोई ज़रूरी कागज नही है और हवलदार चढ़ बैठा, घबराने की कोई बात नही, आपने गूगल का जादुई चश्मा पहना है और रेकॉर्डिंग ऑन है, बस हवलदार साहिब मोल-भाव करना शुरू करते है, आप रेकॉर्डिंग को मोबाइल मे ट्रान्स्फर करके साहिब को दिखाते है और हवलदार जी  से सलामी ठुकवा के निकल पड़ते है, मुमकिन है साहब | 

ऐसे ही बेचारे ट्रॅफिक हवलदार, सरकारी ऑफिसर्स, क्लर्क्स, पोलीस वाले भैया लोग सब के सब हमारे चश्मे वाले भाइयों से कितना डरने लगेंगे सोचिए ज़रा…

शायद भ्रष्टाचार रूपी राक्षस से लड़ने मे भी गूगल का यह औजार हथियार बनके हमारे काम आजाए, क्या पता हमारे देश की एकॉनमी थोड़ी सुधार जाए इसीलिए तो मेने पहले ही कहा था की गूगल ही वो सूपर नॅचुरल शक्ति है जिसको हम भगवान के अवतार के रूप मे देख सकते है……

अब आप क्या सोचते है इस जादुई चश्मे के बारे मे??? 

Friday, 7 June 2013

World Environment Day Special ( विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस विशेष)

विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस  पुरे विश्व में धूमधाम से मनाया गया, कही कही तो दिवस की जगह पूरा  हफ्ता ही  पर्यावरण को बचाने के लिए जागरूकता अभियान चलाये जा रहे है।
हमारे ऑफिस में ही ले लीजिये, सप्ताह में २ दिन टिश्यू पेपर और डिस्पोजल गिलास पर पाबन्दी लगा दी गयी, हम बेचारे हिंदुस्तानी लोग तो जैसे तैसे पानी से धोके रुमाल से पोंछ के काम चला गए, पर बेचारे अमरीकन लोग जो २-४ दिन की विजिट पे आये थे  फस गए पर्यारण दिवस के चक्कर में । एक तो हमारे कैफेटेरिया का स्पेशल मसालेदार खाना जिसको खाके अच्छे खासे लोग यह गाना गाने लगते है " फायर ब्रिगेड मंगवा दे तू अंगारे पर है पिछवाडा"! उस खाने को खाके फिरंगी ( so called Clients) मेहमान तो यह गाना लूप में गाते है, और उपर से "No tissue paper and no disposal glasses available".
चलिए ऑफिस की बात यही ख़तम करते है और घर की बात करते है, विश्व पर्यावरण दिवस पर घर आये और बीवी से कहा की बहुत दिन हो गए कुछ लिखा नहीं चलो पर्वायारण पर कुछ लिखता हूँ, बस इतना सुना की बीवी ने अपना "Romantic Movie Channel" बदला और तुरंत "Action Movie channel" लगा के बोली, क्यों???? सब पर  कुछ न कुछ लिखो........ कभी मुझ पे भी कोई आर्टिकल या कविता लिखो।
बस हम अपना "Discovery Channel" म्यूट करके बैठे गए और अंत में बोले की चलो कुछ तुम पर ही कुछ लिखने का ट्राय करते है , तुम ही तो अभी मेरा पर्यावरण हो जो कुछ सालो में धरोहर बन जाओगी तो चलो तुम पर ही कुछ लिखते है।
बस इतना कहा और बैठे सोचने की क्या लिखे और जो कुछ भी दीमाग में आया वो कुछ इस तरह से था।

Friday, 1 March 2013

It's a small world

You have appreciated my last post on ITpeople. And this time I have tried a story inspired from a real incident. 
This incident has proved that we are not living in a very big world but we are small particles of this small ball called globe.
By reading this story you will get to know that what can happen in this big yet small world of IT and why only IT, every Sector if it is Marketing, Finance or any other blood sucking job.

Manoj is a very talented technical consultant in a big MNC where he joined just a year ago as a Team Lead. In this company he is expected to work more on a technology called MS Excel than a technology in which he is an expert.

In the typical org structure of his company, he is a middle man, Manager is above him and consultants are below him. Manager always puts a cactus into Manoj’s A**s to get work done from consultants and to save cost, but he is unable to put the same cactus into consultants, why? Because may be he is not capable enough to do so, or may be he is enjoying the cactus himself.

He has completed 1 year and finished his appraisal cycle.  He is expecting a good result because according to him he has done very good job last year, so he should get promoted or at least should get  good ratings and a salary hike. But as you know that good ratings and hikes are dream components in IT industry. Working hard for a year and expecting a good hike in IT industry is same as expecting a union budget in favor of middle and lower middle class.

Manoj is disappointed or more over he is frustrated because he got a “C” rating(Below Average Performer), where hike will be in negative for this year( no bonus, no variable pay and 0% hike = less salary). He decided to switch the company and started circulating his resume across the industry.

One day in afternoon, after having lunch, he was wandering around his office building with a cigarette in one hand, a cup of tea in other and remembrance of old days in mind….

He was a happy consultant there in his old company, enjoying his technical work, been to onshore 4 times. His latest onsite visit was also from his previous company and it was in Australia for a long period of 9 months. It is other thing that in the 9th month in Sydney he was as desperate to come to India as is a child in the 9th month in mother’s womb desperate to take birth. Because he was married and these 9 months he spent with his colleague and not with his wife.
His colleague Venkat was from his native, so they had formed a very good bonding. They used to take breaks from work to have beer parties at each other’s place. One Friday in a similar drink party at Manoj’s place, Venkat got over-drunk and started teasing Manoj by taking his wife’s name. The party ended by Manoj with a firm blow on Venkat’s face, and then they exchanged few more blows before Venkat left saying that he would remember this. After this incident Manoj was missing his home and his wife, because he was alone. 

Today again he was feeling lonely and disappointed with an almost burnt cigarette butt in one hand and an empty disposable glass of tea in other. He realized it’s too late to go back to office desk so after disposing cigarette butt, tea glass and the memories in which he was engrossed, he headed towards his present office desk.

 Next day morning Manoj got a call from an Indian MNC and this call was to schedule a telephonic technical round of interview. He fixed a time of 5:00 PM in the evening on the same day. Manoj was prepared to crack the interview; he went outside at 4:45 PM and started waiting for the call. Till the time he got the call at 5:30 PM, he had finished 4 rounds of smoking. It was a technical interview and that too a telephonic, where a panel of 3 sitting persons each in Chennai, Bangalore and Noida respectively were shooting hard technical questions on a person standing in Hyderabad. After a massive Q/A round of 2.5 hours Manoj was tired and satisfied. His interview went well and he cracked the first round and was selected for the managerial round which is scheduled to be held the next day at 10 AM.

Next day Manoj came early to office. He was desperately waiting for the final call. Today again at 9:45 AM he left his seat and went outside to attend the call, but this time he didn't get call till 10:45 AM. Manoj was worried, he tried to call the corresponding HR, but failed. Finally at 11:10 AM he got the call. The person at other side apologized for the delay and then rescheduled the call for 4:00 PM on the same day. Again Manoj started waiting for the call from 4:00 PM. He consumed smoke of 5 cigarettes, however he didn't lose his patience till 5:00 PM when finally he got that “Managerial round” call, and here the exact conversation of the call:

Caller: Hi Manoj, sorry for a delay, is this the right time to talk, can we start now?

Manoj: hey, no issues, yes sure we can start.

Caller: so Manoj you cleared your Technical round and just this call will get you the package which you demanded. We have this project specific requirement for onshore, so tell me do you have any onshore experience?

Manoj: yes, I have visited client sites abroad 4 times in 4 different countries.

Caller: ohhh, great man, so you have a good exposure of working with client, it’s good.

Manoj: yes sir….

Caller: so tell me which countries you have visited and it would be good to know who were the clients you served for?

Manoj: I visited South Africa for a mining company, Spain for a liquor company, Canada for a food processing company and Australia for an oil and mining company.

Caller: Sounds interesting and it’s nice that you have done cross industrial projects. Manoj, tell me if you remember any serious issue you faced during any of these tours.

Manoj: actually all the tours were implementation projects, so all were challenging for me and as you know being a technical guy we have to face issues.

Caller: tell me about your toughest tour, professionally and personally.

Manoj: oh yea, my toughest tour was Australia, where I faced serious issues not only professionally but personally too.

Caller: you were alone there or someone accompanied you?

Manoj: No sir, I was not alone but Venkat, one of my colleagues was also there with me.

Caller: so it was a team of 2 people.

Manoj: yea….

Caller: Manoj, you told that you faced some personal issues there, if you don’t mind could you please put some more light on it, only of you feel comfortable.

(Manoj was now comfortable that this interview is rather a discussion and being interesting)

Manoj: yes, an incident happened there which disturbed me very much. I couldn’t concentrate on my job after that incident.

Caller: If you don’t mind Monoj, may I know what that incident was?

Manoj: Nothing, it was just a small fight. I and Venkat were enjoying a drink party and we got drunk and exchanged heated arguments. I lost my patience and slapped him hard on his face.

Caller: ohhh, it’s sad, so after this fight did you fine-tuned your relationship with him?
Manoj: no sir, I didn’t talk to him, neither had he talked to me.

Caller: So you haven’t spoken to Venkat till now, and you don’t know where he is?

Manoj: right….I don’t know.

Caller: ohhh… Manoj, it’s really sad.
 OK, I have done and I would like to end this call by a note that we don’t have any such requirement in our company where you can fit. And being as a technology lead of this company I am very sorry that it was an official prank call for you….
And before I leave you disheartened I must tell you that till now you haven’t spoken to Venkat, but for last half an hour you were speaking with him only.

Beep beep beep beep (call disconnected).

Don't mess with anybody at workplace !!!!!! It's a small world, you know.... :)

Saturday, 26 January 2013

The last working day mail....

  This post can be considered as sequel of one of my previous post IT Serviceman....
this is nothing but a simple last working day mail of an IT serviceman, we have a habit to write a sweet and short good bye mail which includes many thanks and appreciations for the managers( I don't understand why people don't put their real feelings in their last day mail?)....

this is real mail and already delivered to all my colleagues including Managers of my previous organization, I thought to share it with you all, so here we go.....

-------------------------------------------------Last Working Day---------------------

Object Name: Pritesh Dubey
Object ID: L0306620, 10496722
Object Image:
Date of Creation in Project: 18th March 2009
Date of Creation in Company: 28th August 2008
Date of Archiving: 26th November 2012

Dear all,

In my 4+ years of IT career, I have observed that people are very excited about writing the Last working day mail, moreover it's a tradition to send last day mail, many of you might have created personal folders in your outlook with this name "Last day mails", I think every Pvt sector employee gets a chance to write such mails.

for me it's not that easy to write this mail, but as it's kind of tradition so why should I miss the chance to put my feelings on digital paper.
so, today is my last working day not only in Project but in organization as well, though I wanted to have a last day only for Project but it could not materialized due to some gravitational managerial forces.

When you leave your First Company, who gave your First salary, First ever experience of Corporate life,  then how you feel, there are no words in any dictionary which are capable enough  to express that feeling.

in my last 4+ years in this company I have learned a lot behavioral science, technically and professionally I feel myself a little more mature now.

Here I learned the biggest lesson of Geeta as well from Chapter 2 verse 47.
karmany evadhikarass te maphaleshu kadacana
ma karma-phala-hetur bhuha ma te sango stv akarmani
You have right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to worry for the fruits of action. Never consider yourself the cause of the results of your activities, and never be attached to not doing your duty.

in my last 3.5+ years in this project, I enjoyed a lot, worked a little, converted colleagues into friends, seen this project growing from a toddler to a giant, seen all the kind of faces which are available in below smiley box.

During my tenure in this company and in this project I have captured lots of memories few to learn lessons, few to cherish them, my sincere thanks to all those who have contributed in my box of memory.

It's very hard to leave your first things in life but I am thankful to a fist of people who helped me to take this decision, I loved this company and at last I would only say a few lines from a poem of a very renowned Hindi poet ..........
Bahut bikhra bahut toota thapede seh nahi paaya
Hawaaon ke ishaaron par magar main beh nahi paaya
Adhoora an suna hi reh gaya youn pyaar ka kissa
Kabhi tum sun nahi paaye, kabhi main keh nahin paaya !!!

however as Chulbul Pandey would say “there ij alwayjj a furst time and there ij alwayjj a next time.”! so see you next time, till then be happy, keep smiling, and have a great moderation year ahead J

Good bye !!!!

PS: For those who want to access this object even after archived, please use the below links:

  so this was the "last working day mail" from my side to all my colleagues in previous organization, and I tried to be very honest about my feelings for my organization and the people with whom I worked.

देश भक्ति

  देश भक्ति , यह वो हार्मोन है जो हम भारतियों की रगो में आम तौर पर स्वतंत्रता दिवस, गणतंत्र दिवस  या भारत पाकिस्तान के मैच वाले दिन ख...