Showing posts with label Story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Story. Show all posts

Monday 23 December 2013

ट्रैफिक हवलदार, केले वाला और राजू

समय : शाम ४ बज कर १० मिनट
स्थान : पुणे शहर का एक प्रमुख चौराहा
पात्र: ट्रैफिक हवलदार, केले वाला और राजू

राजू तेज गति से अपनी धून में अपनी दुपहिया गाडी पे कानो में हैडफ़ोन लगाकर चला आ रहा था, सामने चौराहे पर लाल बत्ती होते ही तुरंत ब्रेक लगाकर जैसे ही साइड में खड़ा हुआ, एक सिटी कि आवाज़ और डंडे कि फटकार सुन कर उसने कान से हैडफ़ोन निकाले और देखा कि सामने खड़े ट्रैफिक हवलदार ने उसे सड़क के किनारे लगे पेड़ के निचे बुलाया है । राजू चुपचाप अपनी गाडी धकेलता हुआ जा पंहुचा उस हवलदार के पास।

लाइसेंस, इन्शुरन्स, गाडी के कागज और PUC  हर चीज मुकम्मल करके हवलदार बोला, रेड लाइट में ज़ेबरा क्रासिंग पे खड़ा था भाउ तू, चल चालान भर, ८०० रूपया लगेगा। राजू एक  सीधा साधा, और तुलनात्मक रूप से ईमानदार आदमी है, इसीलिए अपने सारे डाक्यूमेंट्स रेडी रखता है, आज तक जब भी पकड़ा गया है बिना पैसे दिए ही छोड़ा भी गया है, बिना कोई धौंस -डपट के।
राजू के कोई रिश्तेदार पुलिस में, सरकारी नौकरी में या राजनीती में भी नहीं है, ताकि वो कह सके कि "जानते भी हो किस से बात कर रहे हो तुम ?" या फिर अपना फ़ोन निकाल के किसी को फ़ोन लगा के कह ही सके कि तेरी बात करवाऊ S.P  साब से ? वो तो एक आम आदमी (AAP  वाला नहीं ) है।

फिर राजू ने पूछा कि कहा है ज़ेबरा क्रासिंग जिस पर में खड़ा था ? यहाँ तो कोई क्रासिंग नहीं दिखाई देता, तभी हवलदार ने अपनी आवाज़ में टाटा टी कि कडकनेस घोल के कहा "अब तू हमें ट्रैफिक रूल सिखाएगा ?, भाउ प्रेम से चालान कटवा ले नहीं तो खड़ा रह, मेरे को और भी काम है" (मतलब मेरे को और भी बकरे पकड़ने है ) .

कुछ जगहो पर हवलदारों के बड़े साब भी मौजूद होते है, अब अगर बड़े साब हो तो "कद्दू कटेगा, सब में बंटेगा" वाली कहावत चरितार्थ हो जाती है, इसीलिए हवलदारों ने चौराहो पे ठेलागाड़ी (रेड़ी ) लगा के बैठे फल वाले, चाट वाले अपने भाइयों को सेट करके रखा होता है। जैसे ही कोई "बकरा" बात चित शुरू करता है लेन -देन  कि तो हवलदार साब रकम फिक्स करके "बकरे" को कह देते है कि जाके केले वाले या चाट वाले को देदो और निकल जाओ।

हमारे राजू के केस में भी ऐसा ही कुछ था, राजू ने सोचा कि अब बात बिगड़ने से अछा है कुछ ले-देके मामला निपटाया जाये, उसने पहल करी, "सरजी ८०० तो बहुत ज्यादा है , इतने तो है भी नहीं मेरे पास, और अगर रसीद ना लेनी हो तो कितने लगेंगे ?"
इसी बात कि तो बाट  जोह रहे थे हवलदार बाबू, उन्होंने बिना कोई समय गंवाए राउंड फिगर में ५०० का प्रस्ताव रखा, इधर राजू भाई साहब ने अपना चमड़े का दबा कुचला बिल्कुल भारत देश के आम आदमी कि दशा को प्रदर्शित करता बटुआ अपनी जीन्स कि दाई पॉकेट से निकाला, खोला तो ढेर सारे छोटे बड़े कागजो, विजिटिंग कार्डो, ATM  स्लिपों के बीचोबीच १०० - १०० के २ और १०-१० के ३ नोट मिले, उसने हवलदार साब को अपना पर्स दिखाके विनती कि " सर अभी २०० में काम चला लो, अगली बार पकड़ो तो पुरे ले लेना" , हवलदार साब ने भी दरियादिली का परिचय देते हुए कहा, ठीक है जा  रोड क्रॉस करके सामने केले वाले को देते हुए निकल जा, में यहाँ से देख रहा हूँ उसको इशारा करता हूँ।

राजू पलक झपकते ही रोड के उस पार केले वाले कि दूकान पर खड़ा था, उस पार से हवलदार ने सिटी बजा के केले वाले को अपनी हथेली कि २ उंगलियां इस अंदाज में दिखाई जैसे कोई नेता अपनी विजय रैली में विक्ट्री सिम्बॉल दिखाता है। केले वाले ने भी अपनी मुंडी OKAY  SIR के अंदाज़ में हिला दी।

स्थान: रोड के दूसरी तरफ केले वाले कि दूकान
समय: शाम के ४ बजकर २० मिनट
पात्र : राजू, केले वाला और ट्रैफिक हवलदार

राजू: भैया वो साब ने २ दर्जन केले मंगवाए है। उनकी तरफ देखो वो शायद इशारा करेंगे।

केले वाला सिटी कि आवाज़ सुनकर  हवलदार कि तरफ देखता है, हवलदार २ का इशारा करता है। केलेवाला OKAY SIR कि मुद्रा में मुंडी हिला देता है।

राजू जाते जाते २ याने कि विक्ट्री का इशारा हवलदार कि तरफ करता हुआ अपनी तेज़ गति में, हेडफोन्स कानो में लगाये उस चौराहे से ओझल हो जाता है।

तात्पर्य, बईमानी का जवाब थोड़ी से बईमानी करके दिया जा सकता है और यह थोड़ी से बईमानी मेरे हिसाब से वाजिब है , आप क्या कहते है इस विषय पर ? आपके पास भी कोई ऐसी कि घटना हो तो साझा कीजिये। 

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Happy Queen Elizabeth

This is another story on Governance in India, for last few decades people of India have seen that India’s development graph is not steady and for last 9 years we have seen a steady rise in corruption, crime, inflation and insensitivity of government.

Okay I don’t talk about the government any more and start the story; this is a story of ancient India, when crime rate was not much higher, if someone steals a pair of shoes he used be called a big criminal, if any person stared a women for more than 2 seconds, immediately he was considered to be a big pervert and called a criminal by neighbors and rest of the society. In that era there used to be a person named Jagga, he was a thief by nature and profession, and was considered biggest criminal of that area where he lived.
He used to steal goats and hens and used to cook and eat them without leaving any evidences.
Actually no one could prove that he was the thief so “Panchayat” also used to set him free every time. People of his area hated him; they used to tell their children about Jagga that his is a criminal and not a good human being so do not talk to him.
From Internet

From Internet

Soon Jagga’s son Bhagga also joined him in his business; he was more claver and believed in perfection in his acts. Jagga was very happy that his son is also climbing steps on the same trail where he was leading.
Although Jagga was happy from outside but from inside he was very upset, one evening when he was sitting outside of his house and in the same vicinity children were playing and refraining themselves by coming near to his house by any chance.  That incident shook Jagga from inside, he started staying at home and he became ill and was bedridden.
One morning when Bhagga returned form his usual job with some grains and pair of parrots, he saw his father was counting his last breath. Jagga called his son and told him that now time has come,
 “I will not live now anymore, but before I die I would like to ask a promise from you”, “yes father tell me, I can do whatever you want”
“I was very bad citizen of this locality and was extremely infamous, no one wants to take my name on their tongue, I don’t want to die with this black spot on my name that I am the most evil person of this locality. You have to do something that after my death people do not say that I was worst, they should say that I was good. Then only I will get a sigh of relief in heaven.”
“Yes father, I will do it, I will make your name good”.
Bhagga promised and Jagga died.
Now Jagga was worried, day and night he was thinking that how he can put his father’s name in the good books of the people.
Finally Jagga got an idea and he started stealing each and everything from the house where he entered, if something he can not steal he used to destroy it, he made it sure that when people of that house wake up they were stunned.
Earlier the father-son duo used to steal live stocks of Goats and hens and used to cook them and eat, and leave no traces behind. Now since Bhagga could not eat so much, so he started killing the animals and dumped them in the front of resident’s doors.
Now inhabitants of that locality were dismayed and felt it very painful, since everyone knew that it was Bhagga, but could not produce the evidences so again Bhagga was freed.
Now everybody was heard saying that Bhagga has crossed all the limits, Jagga was even better, Jagga was not that bad man, and he was very good in comparison to Bhagga.
When Bhagga came to know that people are talking like this, he was extremely happy, he kept his promise and now his father’s spirit would be in rest; his father would take a sigh of relief in heaven or hell whatever.

This story ends here. But there is a message lies in the story, what is that?
Do you know, British Government ruled India for almost 200 years and they were very rude and villainous amongst the modern people of India so in 1947 when British government handed over the country’s responsibility to Congress, they took the same promise from Congress’ President which Jagga took from his son.
And you see, today we often say that British-raj was much better than today’s governance.

And you see, Queen of Britain is very happy today …..

Tuesday 8 October 2013

Golden Jubilee Celebration

Today Gandhi Hall is jam-packed since morning and one can see a sea of people at common ground, one corner of the ground is equipped with decorative bar with varieties of branded drinks, this area is restricted, the other corner is filled with dining tables and one can smell the aroma of delicious food. All these arrangements were done for the VIPs and VVIPs. Common people were sitting on ground, around 20 meters far from this VIP Zone and stage. Mr. Rajeev the MD of “Jaihind” group and elder son of Late Ramesh Chandra ji is very happy today.

India’s top media group “Jaihind” is celebrating their golden jubilee today. This group has started 50 years ago with their Hindi daily news paper “Jaihind Dainik” from New Delhi, when Ramesh Chandra ji started this news paper, no one knew that it would complete not only 50 years but would become one of top media group of India. This group has a strong hold not only in Print but in Electronic media as well. Today they are publishing 2 Hindi, 7 regional, 3 English daily news papers and 3 weekly and one monthly magazine. And if we talk about electronic media then here also they don’t have a lose end, they are numero uno with 6 national news channels and FM network in 9 cities of India on air.

Today a Union Minister is chief guest for this celebration; he will be sharing stage with the CM of state.  It’s 11:40, but minister hasn't arrived yet, although the time given was 10:00 AM, meanwhile on stage we had colorful cultural programs organized by “Jaihind” Media.

Jaihind Group is considered  to be a very loyal media group during each government, they have grown rapidly in recent years, and why not, their tagline says “fast and focused”, and they really are.

All of sudden all people in luxury suits were running here and there, seems minister has arrived, yes Minister jee was walking out of a super-luxury car, surrounded by 4 gunmen, minister jee entered in VVIP zone and disappeared. 

Stage is ready with 7 chairs, now people are coming to fill those empty chairs, the middle one is the bigger one, surely for union minister, adjacent one is for CM, and rest 5 chairs were occupied by senior board members of “Jaihind” along with Mr. Rajeev.

The front 2 rows of VIP zone are filled with some renowned builders and industrialists who were enjoying their share of drinks.

Now a round of garlanding was started, Rajeev jee was holding a garland in both of his hands, all of a sudden he hears some voices from right side of the stage, he saw that some 5-6 farmers gathered their, they wanted to talk to Minister. Rajeev signaled his guards and they took action.

Minister jee now on the podium and started his speech, “Bhaaiyon aur bahano, mein Jaihind ki kitni bhi tareef karu, kam hai, aaj hamara desh jo bhi hai, wo hamari party ki vajah se hai aur isme Jaihind ka bahut bada yogdaan hai, loktantra ke 4 stambho me se ek…..” minister jee stopped when he saw the group of farmers besides his stage, they gathered near stage again and were agitated and asking about their land, they were shouting slogans against a builder siting in front row, they said, hamari jameen wapas karo, hamari jameen wapas karo….

actually few month back, a reputed builder has duped the nearby villager's farmers and captured their precious fertile land at cheaper rates on the name of some government schemes, builder promised them to give a lavish big house to each farmer and now he is not even recognizing them.

Again police force has to intervene and farmers had to be stopped, but minister also concluded his speech soon, and left the stage in haste.

Ashtbuddhi, a local MLA came to farmers and asked them, what they want, farmers said that, we wanted to talk either to CM or to minister; we want to talk about land mafias who illegally captured our farms on the name of Government schemes. MLA heard them and politely said, today minister is very busy and CM is also having important commitments, so they can not hear you. Go and take rest today and come on some other day.

At the same time, in VIP Zone, minister was having chitchat with CM and Mr. Rajeev holding a glass of branded whisky in one hand and a cigarette in another.

Meanwhile on all the Jaihind news channels, anchors were praising Minister’s speech, CM’s work in state and they were running that video in loop where minister praised Jaihind’s contribution towards nation’s development. Anchore said, stay tuned to our channel, we will be back in a minute. 
Then a jingle played the tagline, "you are watching Jaihind News, the fast and Focused...."

Image courtesy: Internet 

Thursday 19 September 2013

What is Corruption ?

No no , don’t think that I am going to tell you any theory about corruption or any philosophy of corruption, “what is Corruption?” is title of a story, yes today I am going to tell you a story of a King, who was known for his excellence ruling system.

Long time ago, there was a democratic state where people themselves would like to chose who would become next king from the Royal family, there was a situation when King was no more and people have to select their next king but Prince was very immature to become king and Queen was from other state so people decided that royal family’s most loyal and most honest minister should be crowned as king, and they did.

King was ruling the state under the guidance of Queen; meanwhile Prince was becoming young and playful, he was popular amongst other loyal friends of Royal family.
Everything was going fine, but suddenly there was a massive chaos in the state about corruption and scams. Everywhere people were saying that Corruption is increasing day by day and everywhere it is causing problem for common man.
One day King held a meeting with all courtiers, discussed with them that people are crying about corruption, people are saying that they see everywhere corruption, I haven’t seen yet, have you seen ever? If anybody of you has seen corruption then tell me, how it looks like? Is it a worm, virus or a bacteria or it is something sent by our enemy states?
All courtiers said in one voice, “my lord, when it is not visible to you then how we can see it?”
King said, “No, it’s not like that, sometimes something which is not visible to me, you might see, such as I don’t see any nightmare but you must have seen.”

Courtiers said, “Yes we see nightmares but that is all about dreams, here it is reality sir.”

King said, “all right then, go and search for Corruption in whole state, if you find somewhere then bring a sample for me, I want to see how it looks like.”

Then one Minister said, “Sir, we will not be able to see corruption, we heard that it is very small and you know that we all are working under Queen’s big umbrella, and her personality is so huge that we are used to see huge things only and we can not see small things.”

Then another minister interrupted, “by chance if corruption comes in front of us even then we will see only madam’s image in it, we could not see anything else.”

one of the courtier said that he knows the solution, he said, “sir, I know there is a species called CBI in our state, they are able to find such small things, they are expert so I request you to invite them and ask them to find CORRUPTION.”

King did the same, he appointed 5 people from that special tribe called CBI, he asked them to find out about corruption and scam, and if they find it then bring a sample to court room. CBI people started finding the desired thing; they kept for searching for 2 months and then returned to King.

King asked them, “Experts, have you finished your enquiry?”
“Yes, sir!”
“Did you find corruption in our state?”
“Yes, we found lots of CORRUPTION in your state.”
King extended his palm towards them and asked, “Give me a little bit, let’s see, how it looks like?”
Experts said, “sir, you can not hold it in your hands, it is not substance, it is Imperceptible, inapprehensible and supersensible, but it is omnipresent, which can not be seen, and not be touched you can only feel it, smell it.”

After hearing these many big words for corruption, king lost in his thoughts for some time and came back to experts, “you said it is omnipresent and impalpable, but these are qualities of god, so you mean corruption is god?”

“Yes sir, now corruption has become god for many people in your state.”

Then a courtier asked “but where it is, how it smells like?”

Experts replied, “it is everywhere, it is in this building, on the roads, gardens of your state, it is in bridges, it is in schools, in offices, in coal mines, in commonwealth games grounds, in railways, in administration, it is even in weapons, in the chair of queen, PM and you all courtiers it is also in shirt of the King.”

Is it in my shirt?? Where? King swiftly jumped out from his chair and stripped in the front of all courtiers.

Experts covered the king with a shawl and said,
“Yes sir, it is in your shirt, last time when you gave contract for all your dresses then the bill which was generated and presented in court was fake bill with 10 times increased price value. There are mediators involved in your government, they mostly eat money in between, and there is corruption in all your administration.”

King was very worried, he asked to experts about the remedy of this disease, can it be cured?

Experts said, “absolutely sir, it can be cured, you just need to change the system, you have to eliminate the opportunities of corruption, you have to speak against it sir.”
“what? I have to speak ? no no, I cant do that, madam will punish me.” King said.

Then Experts explained him that he has to speak to madam and not to the public, so King was ready to talk to madam.
you said there are opportunities of corruption everywhere, how it is ? I cant see it.” King asked to Experts.
“sir, there are opportunities for example, if there are contracts then contractors and if there are contractors so there is bribe for bureaucrats in the same way if there are big projects under government then there is opportunity for the concerned ministry.”
King said to them “okay you submit your report to PMO, we will review and discuss in our ministerial meetings”.

King discussed the same with Queen Madam, madam was also worried that how to eliminate this corruption, people will not believe in royal family if they were unable to remove this bug.

Queen asked to her most qualified law makers on this situation, how to deal with it? People said,” madam, do not worry, people are used to of it now, they know that there is corruption, and it is part of their life now, so we should not worry, burn the CBI report and files. No one will ask what happened, we will say that corruption is like some black magic and it is imaginary.”

Other courtiers also said that to change the system is not possible it would be a new problem, everything will be turned down, all arrangements will be disturbed, we need such solution that we don’t need to change anything and corruption also can be removed.
Queen reciprocated the concern, “yes, I too wanted to find such solution, our ancestors knew some black magic to eliminate any problem, that is why they could rule this state for so long but what I do now?”

And here comes the master piece….

One of her family friend said “madam, we should do the same trick, what your ancestors used to perform, we should show the huge rich-poor gap to people, we should show sympathy to one specific group of people who are expanding day by day, we should declare them special tribe and we should feed them, give them land and security but not education and job, the other tribes will be jealous and instead of asking their right from us they will fight to the special tribe and all these fool people will fight each other and forget about CORRUPTION. This is the trick all your royal family used to perform, they learnt it from previous emperor, who did the same with this whole Ireland and divided it into so many small states.”
Queen was impressed with this solution, some courtiers objected then queen showed them the corruption report and threatened them that “CBI Experts” will find out more about you if you do not agree with me.
All courtiers agreed to madam, and they did what madam said.

Then once again the Royal family showed the Black Magic which is also called secularism, and the people of that state can be seen fighting everyday, they fight with each other, burn homes of each other, they abuse each other, they do not bother if they are unemployed, if they are uneducated, if they are hungry, but since their tribe is special, they will fight for it and here Royal family are having worry free and lavish dinner everyday which is cooked in the fire generated when these innocence and ignorant people torch each other's homes.

I am hopeful that One day this black magic will be exposed, and people will understand that fighting with each other is not the solution, but we have to fight against the hunger, unemployment, poverty and illiteracy.

यह कहानी भारत की वर्तमान परिस्थितीयों से तथा श्री हरिशंकर परसाई जी की हिन्दी रचना "सदाचार का तावीज़" से प्रेरित है|

                                                                                                               Images Sourced from Internet

Friday 1 March 2013

It's a small world

You have appreciated my last post on ITpeople. And this time I have tried a story inspired from a real incident. 
This incident has proved that we are not living in a very big world but we are small particles of this small ball called globe.
By reading this story you will get to know that what can happen in this big yet small world of IT and why only IT, every Sector if it is Marketing, Finance or any other blood sucking job.

Manoj is a very talented technical consultant in a big MNC where he joined just a year ago as a Team Lead. In this company he is expected to work more on a technology called MS Excel than a technology in which he is an expert.

In the typical org structure of his company, he is a middle man, Manager is above him and consultants are below him. Manager always puts a cactus into Manoj’s A**s to get work done from consultants and to save cost, but he is unable to put the same cactus into consultants, why? Because may be he is not capable enough to do so, or may be he is enjoying the cactus himself.

He has completed 1 year and finished his appraisal cycle.  He is expecting a good result because according to him he has done very good job last year, so he should get promoted or at least should get  good ratings and a salary hike. But as you know that good ratings and hikes are dream components in IT industry. Working hard for a year and expecting a good hike in IT industry is same as expecting a union budget in favor of middle and lower middle class.

Manoj is disappointed or more over he is frustrated because he got a “C” rating(Below Average Performer), where hike will be in negative for this year( no bonus, no variable pay and 0% hike = less salary). He decided to switch the company and started circulating his resume across the industry.

One day in afternoon, after having lunch, he was wandering around his office building with a cigarette in one hand, a cup of tea in other and remembrance of old days in mind….

He was a happy consultant there in his old company, enjoying his technical work, been to onshore 4 times. His latest onsite visit was also from his previous company and it was in Australia for a long period of 9 months. It is other thing that in the 9th month in Sydney he was as desperate to come to India as is a child in the 9th month in mother’s womb desperate to take birth. Because he was married and these 9 months he spent with his colleague and not with his wife.
His colleague Venkat was from his native, so they had formed a very good bonding. They used to take breaks from work to have beer parties at each other’s place. One Friday in a similar drink party at Manoj’s place, Venkat got over-drunk and started teasing Manoj by taking his wife’s name. The party ended by Manoj with a firm blow on Venkat’s face, and then they exchanged few more blows before Venkat left saying that he would remember this. After this incident Manoj was missing his home and his wife, because he was alone. 

Today again he was feeling lonely and disappointed with an almost burnt cigarette butt in one hand and an empty disposable glass of tea in other. He realized it’s too late to go back to office desk so after disposing cigarette butt, tea glass and the memories in which he was engrossed, he headed towards his present office desk.

 Next day morning Manoj got a call from an Indian MNC and this call was to schedule a telephonic technical round of interview. He fixed a time of 5:00 PM in the evening on the same day. Manoj was prepared to crack the interview; he went outside at 4:45 PM and started waiting for the call. Till the time he got the call at 5:30 PM, he had finished 4 rounds of smoking. It was a technical interview and that too a telephonic, where a panel of 3 sitting persons each in Chennai, Bangalore and Noida respectively were shooting hard technical questions on a person standing in Hyderabad. After a massive Q/A round of 2.5 hours Manoj was tired and satisfied. His interview went well and he cracked the first round and was selected for the managerial round which is scheduled to be held the next day at 10 AM.

Next day Manoj came early to office. He was desperately waiting for the final call. Today again at 9:45 AM he left his seat and went outside to attend the call, but this time he didn't get call till 10:45 AM. Manoj was worried, he tried to call the corresponding HR, but failed. Finally at 11:10 AM he got the call. The person at other side apologized for the delay and then rescheduled the call for 4:00 PM on the same day. Again Manoj started waiting for the call from 4:00 PM. He consumed smoke of 5 cigarettes, however he didn't lose his patience till 5:00 PM when finally he got that “Managerial round” call, and here the exact conversation of the call:

Caller: Hi Manoj, sorry for a delay, is this the right time to talk, can we start now?

Manoj: hey, no issues, yes sure we can start.

Caller: so Manoj you cleared your Technical round and just this call will get you the package which you demanded. We have this project specific requirement for onshore, so tell me do you have any onshore experience?

Manoj: yes, I have visited client sites abroad 4 times in 4 different countries.

Caller: ohhh, great man, so you have a good exposure of working with client, it’s good.

Manoj: yes sir….

Caller: so tell me which countries you have visited and it would be good to know who were the clients you served for?

Manoj: I visited South Africa for a mining company, Spain for a liquor company, Canada for a food processing company and Australia for an oil and mining company.

Caller: Sounds interesting and it’s nice that you have done cross industrial projects. Manoj, tell me if you remember any serious issue you faced during any of these tours.

Manoj: actually all the tours were implementation projects, so all were challenging for me and as you know being a technical guy we have to face issues.

Caller: tell me about your toughest tour, professionally and personally.

Manoj: oh yea, my toughest tour was Australia, where I faced serious issues not only professionally but personally too.

Caller: you were alone there or someone accompanied you?

Manoj: No sir, I was not alone but Venkat, one of my colleagues was also there with me.

Caller: so it was a team of 2 people.

Manoj: yea….

Caller: Manoj, you told that you faced some personal issues there, if you don’t mind could you please put some more light on it, only of you feel comfortable.

(Manoj was now comfortable that this interview is rather a discussion and being interesting)

Manoj: yes, an incident happened there which disturbed me very much. I couldn’t concentrate on my job after that incident.

Caller: If you don’t mind Monoj, may I know what that incident was?

Manoj: Nothing, it was just a small fight. I and Venkat were enjoying a drink party and we got drunk and exchanged heated arguments. I lost my patience and slapped him hard on his face.

Caller: ohhh, it’s sad, so after this fight did you fine-tuned your relationship with him?
Manoj: no sir, I didn’t talk to him, neither had he talked to me.

Caller: So you haven’t spoken to Venkat till now, and you don’t know where he is?

Manoj: right….I don’t know.

Caller: ohhh… Manoj, it’s really sad.
 OK, I have done and I would like to end this call by a note that we don’t have any such requirement in our company where you can fit. And being as a technology lead of this company I am very sorry that it was an official prank call for you….
And before I leave you disheartened I must tell you that till now you haven’t spoken to Venkat, but for last half an hour you were speaking with him only.

Beep beep beep beep (call disconnected).

Don't mess with anybody at workplace !!!!!! It's a small world, you know.... :)

देश भक्ति

  देश भक्ति , यह वो हार्मोन है जो हम भारतियों की रगो में आम तौर पर स्वतंत्रता दिवस, गणतंत्र दिवस  या भारत पाकिस्तान के मैच वाले दिन ख...