Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philosophy. Show all posts

Friday 29 November 2013


सौदागर , यह कविता एक कल्पना नहीं है आज के समाज का सच्चा रूप है, हमारे इर्द-गिर्द कितने ही सौदागर घूम रहे है जो हर पड़ाव पर हमारी आत्मा के सौदे के लिए हमें उकसाते है, लेकिन मानवता को जीवित् रखने हेतु हमें किसी कीमत पर अपनी आत्मा का सौदा नहीं करना है, बस यही विनती मात्र है यह कविता।

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Hindi V/s English

I have not written too many posts on this blog, but whatever I have written mostly are in Hindi language. Recently I got a feedback from few of my friends who told me that they feel it difficult to read Hindi/देवनागरी  Scripts but they can speak and understand Hindi very well. It was not surprising for me because they were amongst the people whose throughout education carried out in English language, and they had an “Only English” atmosphere during their upbringing.

Today we have a large chunk of people who can speak and understand Hindi but they find it hard to read if anything is written in Hindi or in Devnagari script. Reading English novel is also a kind of fashion for today’s generation; I have seen many parents who talk to their children only in English and scold them if they utter a word in native language.
I don’t have any personal enmity with English Language; after all English language plays a big role to earn my bread and butter.

Pheww …. Now philosophy is enough, I come to the point why I do not write much in English? Answer is very simple; I do not know how to write in English. I feel myself helpless when it comes to express feelings.  For example if you want to abuse some one then will you use “F” word or use our treasure of words of Hindi? First question, why do we abuse someone, Kyonki gaali bakne ke siwa uska kuchh ukhaad nahi sakte, right? so to get best feel we always use Hindi swear words. Here my stress is on feelings and not on swear words, so do not be misguided I am talking about feelings only. When you meet your best friend after a long time will you talk to him like “hey dude, where you were for long? Whats up , uhhh? …. No you will not, if you are a real Indian, then you will say “ oye kameene, kahan tha yaar tu, gaayab hi ho gaya ssale”. Here have you noticed the FEEL?

Okay, let’s talk some romantic, here I can understand that those 3 English words are magical and can work, and you don’t need to use a single Hindi word for that, but if you love someone, then instead of saying “I love you”, say it in Hindi “mein tumse bahut pyar karta/karti hoon” and say it with a passionate eye contact, believe me not only you will get the feel but your partner will reciprocate it too.

So again I come to the point, why we can not read Hindi scripts if we can speak, understand and feel in Hindi?

With this post I would like to appeal all readers that Please read and give some time to Hindi as well, Hindi should not be taught in History subject.

नोट : यह पोस्ट हिंदी के प्रसार के लिए विशेष रूप से अंग्रेजी में लिखी गयी है , इस विरोधाबास के लिए क्षमा ॥ 
: Images from Internet

Tuesday 10 September 2013

धर्मनिरपेक्ष कबाब

एक बार की बात है, 

एक हरी-भरी भिंडी मार्केट से गुजर रही थी,  तभी वहाँ पास ही के एक पोल्ट्री फार्म के कुछ मुर्गो  ने भिंडी को छेड़ दिया,  भिंडी घबराई, और डर के मारे वहां से भागती हुयी सब्जी मण्डी पहुची, उसको डरा हुआ देख के उसके  भाई आलू ने उससे पूरा हाल पूछा और जब उसे यह बात पता पड़ी की उसकी बहन को कुछ मुर्गो ने छेड़ा है तो आलू गुस्से से उबल पड़ा और अपने दोस्त प्याज़ को लेके गया पोल्ट्री फार्म.. ... वहां जाके उन दौनो ने मुर्गो को गालियाँ देना शुरू किया, मुर्गो को भी बड़ा गुस्सा आया, उन्होंने आलू और प्याज को घेर के खूब नोचा|

 बेचारे आलू और प्याज की हालत खराब हो  गई और यह खबर पूरी सब्जी मण्डी मे आग की तरह फैल गयी, और खबर को इतना तोड़ मरोड़ के परोसा गया की करेला और भी कड़वा हो गया, मिर्ची का तीखापन बढ़ गया, और टमाटर सुर्ख लाल हो गया| 

 सब्जी मंडी के दलालो ने सारी सब्जियों को भड़काया और कहा की पोल्ट्री फार्म पर हमला बोल दो, और धीरे से यह खबर पोल्ट्री फार्म के मालिको को भी मिली, उन्होने भी अपने ख़ूँख़ार मुर्गो जिनके नाख़ून बड़े तेज़ थे, को तैयार किया, भड़काया और पिंजरे से आज़ाद किया, फिर जैसे ही सब्जियाँ आई, मुर्गे सब्जियों पर टूट पड़े, मिर्चिया भी मुर्गो की आँखो मे जाके गिरने लगी, करेला, प्याज़ और आलू भी पूरी तरह से मुर्गो को पस्त करने मे लगे हुए थे, टमाटर भी अपने तेवर दिखा रहा था|
 मिर्ची ने अपने तीखेपण से पूरे पोल्ट्री फार्म मे आग लगा दी थी, जिससे बेचारे निर्दोष मुर्गे जल कर भुन गये थे, इधर ख़ूँख़ार मुर्गो ने कितने ही निर्दोष प्याज़, टमाटर और धनिए को कुचल कर चटनी बना दी थी |

और दूसरी तरफ सब्जी मंडी के दलालो और पोल्ट्री फार्म के मालिको ने आपस मे बातचीत करके मामला सुलझा लिया, अंत मे भुने हुई मुर्गो पर कुचली हुई लाल मिर्च, पीसा हुआ टमाटर, कटा हुआ प्याज़ और हरा धनिया डाल कर हमारे देश के "नेताओं" को "धर्मनिरपेक्ष" कबाब खिलाया गया, सभी ने बहुत तारीफ़ की|

एक बार की बात ...जी नही यह ना जाने कितने बार की बात थी..और ना जाने कितने पोल्ट्री फार्म और सब्जी मंडी ऐसे ही जल कर खाक हो गये .. .  और ना जाने कितनी बार फिर ऐसा होगा...मुर्गे और सब्जियाँ कब समझेंगी की इनका आपस मे लड़ना दर-असल "नेताओ" का पेट भरना है|

Sunday 8 November 2009

Meeting with Life

Disclaimer: This piece of writing “Meeting with life” is an old product of my thoughts  …..I have written it in 2009 and put it on my blog, Please excuse the bad English and grammar.

It was a cold morning of November 2009 but since I am in Hyderabad so this is not that much cold as you imagine it….. :) 
that morning I met my life,...yes my life...... her emergence was beautiful, she was looking like my dream girl; long hair, innocent face, black eyes trying to say something with a beautiful smile on fine shaped lips, she was wearing a sapphire color top with black jeans, I was totally awestruck looking at her, somehow I managed to get my wits back and after a formal greet I asked her to sit on a chair opposite to me, it was a restaurant near a lake and in this cold morning no one was there except us, I first started conversation; you are my life ? she said yes, I asked again, how my life can be so innocent and beautiful( though practically it does not seem so) , she replied, I am always beautiful, simple and innocent, but you oversight me always, you didn’t see me in that way, “ohhh, ok, so you are saying that I was not aware of my life”, I said, she said yes, I continued with my hell lot of questions, “but you are so fast that I couldn’t see you carefully, I always saw your flip-side”,  then she replied, “because you were always thinking of what has been done, I mean you wanted to be at a certain place with me forever but I cant stay at one place, I have to keep on moving”, by taking a sip of tea I sustained on my complaints “But you are my life, you have to come along with me, stay with me…..” before I finish my sentence she get into the mood of scolding me and started at a little high pitch.. , “I am along with you always, but you are a bit slow and behind me, that’s why I thought it’s long time when we met each other, when we exchanged words, when you gave me a hug, when you lived me with full of joy, I really don’t remember when you gave me some gift, a gift of achievement, a gift of celebration, a gift of joy, a gift of a loud laughter”…she finished and stopped to take a breath, I was listening her carefully as a child, She was right (a little bit), it was long time, when I saw my life so carefully, when I lived it with full delight…I broke the stillness  “Ok then what we are going to do now?”….. “Nothing, now onwards we will walk together, you will come along with me, you will direct me, you will decide the path for us which we follow and enjoy every moment of togetherness, now onwards you will not look behind just come forward with me” with this note she smiled and she gave her to me and then we started to walk along…we started at a steady pace, that morning walk after a cup of tea was as beautiful as my dream…….
 That was a brief meeting with my life just before my phone rang and it woke me up that morning

Everyone’s life is as gorgeous as your dream girl or your prince charm, but the way we look at it decides how it comes across to you, in this competitive environment when we are running behind success, we all are working hard to achieve our goals, we are overlooking our own life, the pleasure, enjoyment, satisfaction and most important love for others have been flew away because we are not keeping the pace with life, either we are too behind from life or we left behind the life.

So just keep abreast the pace with the life, enjoy every moment of this stunning journey, the roads of this drive with life may not be smooth and should not be because on smooth roads there are chances that we lose our consciousness and fell asleep and we may miss the beautiful spectrum of this journey, so few highs and lows are necessary to be awake on this trip.

 Have a great journey....

देश भक्ति

  देश भक्ति , यह वो हार्मोन है जो हम भारतियों की रगो में आम तौर पर स्वतंत्रता दिवस, गणतंत्र दिवस  या भारत पाकिस्तान के मैच वाले दिन ख...