Dear Anna,
I hope you are still thinking about betterment for India .
The movement you started 2 years back was nothing less than
a historical phenomena in Indian democracy. You compelled Indian youth to come
on roads, you ignited a new flame in our hearts, you showed that we can also be
revolutionary youth. You just gave us a hope that we can fulfill our dream of
doing something for nation by supporting you.
But all of sudden the very accused government ditched you
and you surrendered. You just believed them as we did by voting them, and they
did the same to you what they did to our nation, they cheated. The very sharp
movement became blunt; you disappeared and kept a silence fast. Meanwhile all
the flames were extinguished, all hopes of Indian Youth shattered and most
worst happened was our belief on you deviated, your team was divided, aim was
alienated. Government played their cards and we along with you felt a shocking
Now once again when you are trying to ignite the same fire
with the same fuel it is not even heating, why because the fuel has expired.
Dear Arvind Kejriwal,
Congratulations on your decision of entering into the system
and fighting to clean it.
You parted from Anna’s movement, because you understood that
if system has to be cleaned you have to make your hands dirty. You can not
stand in a corner and clean the muddiness. We appreciate your initial acts of
disclosing misdeeds of big corporate houses, but again it was only a breaking
news for us, we just watch news channel to see if something big has been
revealed by you, we don’t bother to join your party because we have our own
commitments, we have job, a family to look after and a small ambition for our
future. You may say that we are selfish, yes we are, and you may say that we
don’t want to do something for our nation, yes you can say, but truth is that now
we don’t believe in Anna’s movement, same as most of us don’t believe in your
Now let me clear why we don’t believe in success of both of
you in spite of having a pure ambition, a true heart and a determination to do
best for nation, because you are fighting with demons and not common people and
you are fighting without arms.
You are saying that all political parties are bad, none is
honest, that is correct and we agree to your sentiments, but remember even when
god had to eliminate the evil soul from earth, he had to acquire human nature,
he had to follow the way devils were following, just to kill him, and this is
written in all our mythological books (I said all, inclusive of all religion).
Same if you want to eliminate one devil then you have to take help of another,
first remove one with the help of other and then remove the evil spirit from
the one who helped you. Don’t fight alone.
I hope you understood my signal.